
Science of DreamRing™

The Incredible Human Brain

The Human Brain has over 100 billion neurons

The possible various combinations of connections extends beyond the number of stars in the Universe

Low Powered Pulse Frequencies and Patterns


Effects of the DreamRing Magnetic Brain Stimulation on Sleep: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Group Study

The Efficacy of the DreamRing: An Exploration into Non-invasive Sleep Enhancement a Double Blind Placebo Controlled Group Study

Evaluating the DreamRing™: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study Using the WCST

The DreamRing™ Connection: Enhancing Hemispheric Synchronization in the Brain

Effects of the DreamRing™ Sleep Session on Delta Brainwave Frequencies

Enhancing Cognitive Function: A Study of DreamRing™ and Stroop Test Performance

Assessing Cognitive Augmentation: The Impact of DreamRing™ on Go/No-Go Tasks

Unlocking Dream Recall with DreamRing™: A Placebo-Controlled Exploration

Impulse magnetic-field therapy for insomnia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study

Pelka, R B, Jaenicke, C, & Gruenwald, J

Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of patients with chronic primary insomnia

Jiang, C G, Zhang, T, Yue, F G, Yi, M L, & Gao, D

The Diagnostic Apathia Scale predicts a dose–remission relationship of T-PEMF in treatment-resistant depression.

Bech, P, Lunde, M, Lauritzen, L Straaso, B Lindberg, L, Vinberg, M, & Larsen E

Dose-remission of pulsating electromagnetic fields as augmentation in therapy-resistant depression: a randomized, double-blind controlled study:

Straaso B, Lauritzen, L, Lunde, M, Vinberg, M, Lindberg, L, Larsen, E R, … & Bech, P

Investigating Effects of Transcranial low voltage pulsed electromagnetic fields in patients with treatment-resistant depression through clinical trials.

Martiny K, Lunde M, Bech P Transcranial Low Voltage Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields

Electrophysiological correlates of long-term Soto Zen meditation

Pasquini, H A, Tanaka, G K, Basile, L F H, Velasques, B, Lozano, M D, & Ribeiro, P (2015)

Theta activity and meditative states: spectral changes during concentrative meditation

Baijal, S, & Srinivasan, N (2010)

Increased Gamma Brainwave Amplitude Compared to Control in Three Different Meditation Traditions

Braboszcz, C, Cahn, B R, Levy, J, Fernandez, M, & Delorme, A (2017)

Occipital gamma activation during Vipassana meditation

Cahn, B R, Delorme, A, & Polich, J (2010)

Research on brain induced effect by extremely low frequency pulsed magnetic stimulation

Gao, X, Wang, X, Chen, F, Qi, H, Wang, X, Ming, D, & Zhou, P

Frequency-specific responses in the human brain caused by electromagnetic fields

Bell, G B, Marino, A A, & Chesson, A L (1994)

Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice

Lutz, A, Greischar, L L, Rawlings, N B, Ricard, M, & Davidson, R J


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